PROVIDER: Northside Community Forum (NCF)
DATE: Wednesday 31 August, 2016
VENUE: Hornsby RSL
Elder abuse is much more common than our society has traditionally admitted. Much of the problem has been hidden, undefined and under reported. While elder abuse is not a new problem, our society is increasingly recognising and describing ‘elder abuse’ as a range of situations involving the maltreatment or neglect of older people by people they should be able to trust, such as family and friend.
To assist personnel working with the elderly, NCF are presenting two Elder Abuse information sessions in August (Hornsby) and October (Northern Beaches) and a train-the-trainer workshop (Lower North Shore) in September.
ENQUIRIES: For more information email Rosanna Commisso at or phone 8405 4444
REGISTRATION: To register email Rosanna Commisso at or phone 8405 4444