Climate and Health
Climate Change is a health issue
Climate change is increasingly harming our health – through extreme weather, severe heat, infectious disease, increased allergens, and mental health impacts. The most vulnerable people are being impacted the most.
Effective climate action will protect and promote our community’s health, resulting in: cleaner air, healthier diets, greener and cooler cities, and more connected communities.
Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) recognises our responsibility and opportunity to act and is developing programs and resources to help our community and primary care providers to address climate risks. You are welcome to use and share these resources.
SNHN is working with our partners – councils, community organisations, health providers– to address climate risks in our region.
Zero Emissions Sydney North – A local community group taking practical action on climate change.
Sustainable Living Guide – A guide on how to make simple lifestyle changes to benefit the environment, which also save money.
Warringah’s Roadmap to Zero – A community guide for locals to learn and share ways to be more sustainable and reduce carbon emissions.
Clean Air Schools – CleanAir Schools is working with scientists from the University of NSW to monitor air quality inside and outside classrooms to better understand the environment that Australia’s children learn and play in.
Better Business Partnership – A free business sustainability program from Kuringai, North Sydney and Willoughby Councils
Low-carbon respiratory care: a series for GPs and other healthcare professionals
- Part 1: spirometry essentials
- Part 2: inhaler technique for people with asthma and COPD
- Part 3: use of short-acting beta agonists (SABA) for the treatment of asthma in adolescents and adults
- Part 4: respiratory inhaler disposal and recycling
- Part 5: pulmonary rehabilitation
- Part 6: how to choose the right inhaler device
Climate-Health waiting room posters and health advice: These posters have been developed by SNHN and the RACGP. Primary care providers are welcome to display these in their waiting rooms, either in hard copy or electronic format. The QR codes link to health advice, which could be used as the basis for discussions with patients.
Poster 4 – Air pollution and asthma
Poster 6 – Air pollution and pregnancy
Climate and Health Co-benefits Poster
Climate Change and Australia’s Healthcare Systems – A Review of Literature, Policy and Practice
The climate crisis: What every health professional needs to know – 40 minute webinar by Dr Kate Charlesworth, former SNHN Climate Risk Lead.
Reducing our impact in general practice: what can we do? – 1 hour webinar, from WA Primary Health Alliance.
Inhalers and the environment: What are the issues, and what can Australian doctors do? – 15 minute video by Dr Brett Montgomery, GP in Perth.
Respiratory Inhalers – How to get the best outcomes for your patients and the planet
Other resources:
Australian Glossary on Health and Climate Change – The glossary aims to support collaborations on health and climate change to turn research outcomes into policies and practices.
Climate change and Cardiovascular disease – 40 minute presentation by Cardiologist Dr Fiona Foo.
Australian Psychological Society – Climate Change – Resources to help people understand climate change, how to cope with it, and how to get involved in effectively addressing climate change.
Global Green &Healthy Hospitals
Doctors for the Environment Australia
SNHN Climate & Health Strategy – SNHN’s Strategy places a climate focus over our strategic direction, creating an organisation that considers the impact of climate on health in all our operational policies, procedures and decisions.
SNHN Climate and Health Strategy Stakeholder Report – This report summarizes the results of our stakeholder consultations and sets out our priority actions for the next 6-12 months.
The climate crisis: What every health professional needs to know – 40 minute webinar by Dr Kate Charlesworth, SNHN Climate Risk Lead
Northern Sydney Local Health District – Planetary Health program – The NSLHD Planetary Health Framework 2021–2023 outlines the district’s vision to become a more environmentally aware and sustainable organisation in the field of planetary health.
How to set up a climate-health program in a PHN: the SNHN experience – A 1-page guide to establishing a climate-health program
At Sydney North Health Network we are committed to reducing emissions and minimising our environmental footprint.
In 2020 we launched our Climate and Health Strategy which sets out our commitment to embedding a climate focus throughout all our activities.
We are accredited with Better Business Partnership through Willoughby Council and encourage our members and providers in Willoughby, Kuringai and North Sydney councils to join this fantastic sustainability program for local businesses. We are a member of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals initiative.