PROVIDER: The University of Sydney
DATE: Saturday 20 August 2016, 9am – 4.45pm
VENUE: Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney
Managing obesity and diabetes before conception to optimise outcomes.
This one day course has been developed for healthcare practitioners to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of preconception care. It will provide an overview of the latest evidence regarding optimisation of preconception health, particularly for women with diabetes, obesity and other medical conditions, and be taught by some of Australia’s leading experts in this area. The afternoon session will provide skills based training in the multidisciplinary management of pre-existing diabetes, obesity and contraception.
CPD: This program has received endorsement for professional activity points from RANZCOG, DAA and ACM. Points pending from RACGP and CAN.
ENQUIRIES: Charles Perkins Centre Education team, email or phone 9351 5526