

EOI -HeartConnect: wrap-around integrated cardiology services in a primary care setting

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia, with 17,533 Australian lives lost in 2018 (ABS, 2019). Prevention and treatment of heart disease in primary care continues to be a major focus, with the Australian government introducing the Heart Health Check MBS item for people aged 45 and over, or aged 30 and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
To support General Practitioners (GPs) and their patients, Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) and MQ Health are developing a wrap-around integrated cardiology service model in line with the patient centred medical neighbourhood. The aim is to support team-based care in general practice, and address barriers to access specialist care including awareness, affordability, wait times and eligibility criteria.
SNHN are seeking expressions of interest from GPs interested in contributing to the development of, and/ or participating in a wrap-around cardiology service model to target at-risk patients.  The project will run for 12 months.

Benefits for General Practice 
Cardiology services made available to practices and their patients including:

  • evidence-based risk assessment tools
  • in-practice support
  • rapid access to clinically appropriate specialists, sub-specialties, testing and imaging.

What is expected of participating General Practices

  • Participation in a co-design workshop to shape the model according to local needs
  • Participation in evaluation of the model
  • Ability to interrogate the practice data using the CAT4 data extraction tool
  • A practice nurse employed at the practice.

The co-design workshop will be held on Wednesday 4 March, 6.30pm-8.45pm at SNHN Chatswood offices.

To express your interest, please complete and submit the form below.

    For further information please contact: E: dpallavicini@snhn.org.au   P: 9432 8215