

BACK PAIN SOLUTIONS: Steering Spinal Health in a New Direction – Annual Clinical Update Symposium

JUNE 2016

PROVIDER: Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW
DATE: Saturday 18 June, 2016
VENUE: Ryde Eastwood Leagues – 117 Ryedale Road, West Ryde 2114.


As GPs and allied health professionals we know that you’re currently treating a very large number of patients with back pain. At this Spinal Health Symposium you will hear from leading experts in the field on how to better treat back pain. Attending this symposium will help you get better outcomes for your patients and better compliancy.

ENQUIRIES: Call Robert Gunn from Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW on 9857 3314 or email rgunn@arthritisnsw.org.au.
REGISTRATION: Complete the enclosed registration form and return to Robert Gunn, Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW by email rgunn@arthritisnsw.org.au or post it to Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW – Locked Bag 2216, North Ryde 1670.