

Invitation for Carers to the Carer Gateway

Invitation for Carers to the Carer Gateway

Do you regularly look after a family member or friend who is elderly, ill or has disability? You are one of Australia’s 2.65 million carers. Carer Gateway is a new free service where carers can access practical and personal support, and connect with other carers. This online event will tell you all about what help is out there, and you will hear from real carers like yourself. Carer Gateway, in partnership with The Benevolent Society & Your Side, is here to support you.


George Olivares – Team Leader Carer Services, Your Side 15min presentation, 15min Q & A

Tarja Malone – Senior Counsellor, Carer Gateway / Your Side 10min presentation, 15min Q & A

Jo Daley – Carer 5min presentation, 15min Q & A

After each person has presented or told their story there will be time for Q & A via Zoom where each panelist can answer any questions that come from the online event participants. If you require more information email Abby at Your Side – abbye@yourside.org.au or just register above and your link and password to join the event online will come straight to your inbox via Zoom.

Two online Zoom events

Thurs 2nd July: 3.30pm – 5pm – register here

Sun 5th July: 2.00pm – 3.30pm – register here