Expression of Interest: Concordance of Medication Clinical Audit and Study
Earn 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points
Macquarie University and Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) invite you to participate in a new study commencing in our local area this month.
- GPs participating in the study will be given the opportunity to complete a clinical audit activity which will award them with 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points.
- An honorarium of $300 will be provided to compensate the practice for time spent extracting individual patient medication summaries from the practice’s clinical information system.
The study will be conducted by a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Meredith Makeham at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University and has been funded by NEHTA. It will provide you with a comparison of your Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) patient’s medications at your practice and their facility for up to 5 of your patients, and aims to help you more safely manage RACF medications and consider ways to improve eHealth communication with RACFS.