

Expression of Interest: Concordance of Medication Clinical Audit and Study

Earn 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points

Macquarie University and Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) invite you to participate in a new study commencing in our local area this month.

  • GPs participating in the study will be given the opportunity to complete a clinical audit activity which will award them with 40 Category 1 QI&CPD points.
  • An honorarium of $300 will be provided to compensate the practice for time spent extracting individual patient medication summaries from the practice’s clinical information system.

The study will be conducted by a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Meredith Makeham at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University and has been funded by NEHTA. It will provide you with a comparison of your Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) patient’s medications at your practice and their facility for up to 5 of your patients, and aims to help you more safely manage RACF medications and consider ways to improve eHealth communication with RACFS.

    Expression of Interest to participate in the Concordance of Medication Clinical Audit and Study.

    Yes, I would like to be contacted by the research team and receive an information pack about the study.

    No, I would not like to participate in the study.

    If your response is no, could you please indicate the following:

    Do you visit patients in RACFs? YesNo