MAY 2017
PROVIDER: North Shore Private and Hunters Hill Private Hospitals
DATE: Thursday, 4 May 2017
6.30pm registration and canapes, 7.00pm – 9.00pm presentation
VENUE: Conference Centre, Ground Floor, North Shore Private Hospital
3 Westbourne Street, St Leonards 2065
A symposium featuring:
- Paediatric sleep, Dr Jullian Wojtulewicz
- Adult sleep, Dr Herman Lam
- Asthmas, Dr Sri Mahadev
- Pulmonary fibrosis, Dr Sophie Timmins
CPD: 4 Category 2 points
- Assess paediatric sleep problems
- Develop a check list for adults with sleep difficulties
- Ensure patients with asthma have a clear management plan for winter
- Develop a protocol for identifying people with pulmonary fibrosis
RSVP: By 1 May 2017. Please register online at (under for GPs/GP Education), email or fax 02 8425 3970.
ENQUIRIES: Naomi Rogers on 8425 3058 or Wendy Blerer on 0419 201 105.