

Standing Out from the Crowd in the New Aged Care Services Sector


PROVIDER: Northside Community Forum
DATE: Thursday 18 August, 2016
TIME: 9:00am – 4:00pm
VENUE: Northern Beaches Community College


Workshop participants will have the opportunity to undertake a mini-assessment that will enable them to understand their organisation’s capacities and point of difference, so that they are able to quickly and easily answer the question “What does your service have to offer?”

Course Objectives

By the end of the training program participants will be able to:

  • Define the unique aspects of their service
  • Develop a unique selling proposition/selling point to guide their service and use in their service communication
  • Develop your organisation’s USP – unique selling proposition
  • Identify the features of a customer focused organisation
  • Map customers and their needs and expectations by undertaking an internal and external customer analysis
  • Assess their service’s ability to provide a quality customer service
  • Develop a Customer Service Charter
  • Develop strategies to embed a customer focus in all aspects of their service

TARGET AUDIENCE: Manager, Coordinator and Team Leader
COST: 20% discount if book by 4 Aug 2016. Please enter CHSP under Gift/Promotion Code to obtain the discount. All prices include GST. $95: CHSP service workers, $135: non-CHSP service workers, $95: non-CHSP volunteers, $25: CHSP volunteers
ENQUIRIES: For more information contact Shirley Choi northsidesectorsupport@yournorthside.org.au or phone 8405 4444
REGISTRATION: Click the following link to register: https://www.trybooking.com/Booking/BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=189722