PROVIDER: Monash University
DATE: Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2016
VENUE: Monash University, Clayton campus
Two-Day GP Skin Cancer Workshop, suitable for all GPs and GP registrars, regardless the level of experience. Developed by experienced Specialist Dermatologist educators, in association with General Practitioners from the Department of General Practice at Monash University. These workshops are a perfect opportunity to skill up.
Day 1: Saturday 3 September 2016
Lecture Series offers participating GPs the opportunity to:
- Basic Dermoscopy – Terminology and practical aspects
- Identification of benign lesions using dermoscopy
- Identification of non-melanoma skin cancer using dermoscopy
- Identification of melanoma using dermoscopy
Management of skin cancers
- Management of melanomas
- Diagnosis and management of non-melanoma skin cancers
- Non-surgical treatments for the management of keratinocyte dysplasia
- Principles of biopsy and the role of the pathologist in the
- diagnosis of skin cancer
- Sun protection and skin cancer prevention
12 Category 2 points, activity 3496
Day 2: Sunday 4 September 2016
(ALM – 40 Category 1 points, activity 3494 and approved for a 1 day procedural grant in surgery) includes presentations, demonstrations and time for skills practice using pigskin (or equivalent).
Surgical setup and planning procedures
Biopsy techniques
- punch and shave biopsies, techniques, limitations
Simple ellipses
- Suture materials, planning excisions, danger areas, layered closure techniques, deep sutures, mattress sutures, dog ear repairs
Simple flaps and grafts
- Principles of simple flaps (advancement, transposition, rotational, island pedicle)
- Principles of skin grafting
Managing complications
Please note: Day 2 workshop is limited to 40 participants only.
COST: Various rates apply depending on your requirement
ENQUIRIES: Dr Alvin Chong, Course Coordinator via email to Or Dr Heather Grusauskas Course Coordinator
REGISTRATION: To register now please email or phone 03 9902 4495