DATE: Friday, 23 June & Saturday, 24 June 2017
VENUE: Royal Australasian College of Physicians Education Centre – Level 8, 52 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW
This course will provide participants with the introductory practice skills and know ledge to incorporate sexual health screening and management into their current area of specialty. The program provides a comprehensive overview of population health principles including epidemiology, health promotion, contact tracing and common practice issues related to sexual health. Participants will gain experience in completing sexual health histories and risk assessments for STIs
TARGET: Nurses working in practice nursing, midwifery, HIV, women’s health, youth health, primary health, mental health, refugee health, indigenous health and alcohol and other drugs will find this course beneficial.
Free for NSW nurses.
Non-NSW participants is $400 (ASHM members) or $440 (non-ASHM members).
Priority to attend the course will be given to NSW nurses.
ENQUIRIES: Please contact May Wang at or call 02 8204 0723
REGISTRATION: To register, please visit