

Quality end-of-life care webinar

Most people know that grief is the normal response to bereavement. But people don’t only grieve at the end of life; grief is the response to loss and change that occur throughout life. The people we care for have all experienced loss.

Steve Calder is the manager of Pastoral Care at HammondCare Health. He has many years’ experience providing spiritual and emotional support to people facing end of life concerns.

Session presenter Steve Calder will explore the common responses to loss, the factors which help explain the way we and others experience grief, and some “dos and don’ts” when responding to grief and loss.

This session is open to all residential aged care staff.

Date: Tuesday 24th November
Time: 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Venue: Tele-Education 

To join this valuable education session please register HERE

If you have any questions about this event please contact Sarah Fox via email QualityEOLC@hammond.com.au or phone +61 2 9488 2375 or 0439 307 492.