The Benchmarque Group is proud to be delivering the new program – Promoting Participation in the National Cervical Screening Program to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Women, as part of funding provided by the Australian Department of Health.
Cervical Screening Program
Date: 18 November 2019
Time: 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Location: Seminar Room
Blue Mountains Cultural Centre
30 Parke Street
Katoomba, NSW 2780
Cost: FREE to attend
The training will be delivered through a half-day face to face workshop, followed by an online assessment through the Benchmark Group’s online training portal, BenchmarqueIQ.
This training is intended to further support healthcare providers to effectively promote the importance and benefits of cervical screening to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women and help them to understand the changes to the National Cervical Screening Program, which came into effect on 1 December 2017.
Topics covered in this training include:
- What is Cervical Screening?
- Overview of the National Cervical Screening Program including the new Cervical Screening Test (what are the changes and why)
- Cervical Screening Test results – the follow-up and management
- Deliver and address the client’s needs, specifically related to the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP)
- Promoting cervical screening and the importance of screening
Please note, this program is for women only attendees. This is not a clinical program and does not provide competency for the Cervical Screening Test.
Places are limited and can fill up fast, CLICK HERE to enrol or visit for more information.