Synopsis: Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear or a middle ear infection. This program is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required for professionals, particularly those working in Indigenous health, to safely assess the aural health of individuals and implement best practice management guidelines.
Provider: Benchmarque Group
You can attend one of the following two dates:
Date: 5th November 2019
Time: 08:45 AM – 04:30 PM
Venue: Novotel Parramatta
350 Church Street
Parramatta, NSW 2150
To register, please CLICK HERE.
Date: 6th November 2019
Time: 08:45 AM – 04:30 PM
Venue: Mercure Sydney
818 – 820 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
To register, please CLICK HERE.
Please note – this program does not include competencies relating to ear syringing/irrigation or wax removal.