

Opioid Treatment Accreditation Course (face to face)

MARCH 2017

DATE: Sunday 5 March, 2017

VENUE: University of Sydney Main Campus


The treatment of opioid dependence is a challenging and stimulating endeavour for medical practitioners. There are clear benefits for opioid dependent individuals, and communities that result from opioid treatment programs. These include reduction in risk of death, reduction in drug use, reduced risk of contracting some blood born viruses such as HIV, improved health, and reduced crime.

In order to equip medical practitioners to provide good quality clinical care to their patients who are opioid dependent, NSW Health offers training and accreditation in opioid treatment.

The training program, known as the Opioid Treatment Accreditation Course (OTAC), has two key aims:

  1. To develop the medical practitioner’s knowledge and skills in opioid treatment to a level of basic competence.
  2. To prepare medical practitioners to deliver safe and effective opioid treatment within the NSW health system.

REGISTRATION: Please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2DJFRWQ

MORE INFORMATION: Please visit https://www.otac.org.au/ or contact the course coordinator at: anna.janssen@sydney.edu.au