

Opioid Treatment Accreditation Course (OTAC)

PROVIDER: The University of Sydney Discipline of Addiction Medicine

DATE: Ongoing (face-to-face)

COST: Free


This is a comprehensive, one-day, face-to-face course facilitated by addiction medicine specialists, aims to train health professional in development of knowledge, skills, and practices to support the safe prescribing of opioid pharmacotherapies for the treatment of opioid dependence. Course content includes all stages of patient treatment; from induction, to stabilisation, to patient withdrawal from treatment. Consumer perspectives relating to treatment are also discussed.

A short examination is administered to assess participant knowledge and for accreditation purposes. The course, which aligns with the NSW Clinical Guidelines: Treatment of Opioid Dependence 2018, is the second step for medical and nurse practitioners to become an accredited prescriber of opioid pharmacotherapies in NSW. To be eligible for this course you must first complete the Fundamentals Training in Opioid Treatment online module.


Member of the RACGP will receive 14 Category 2 Points for the 2017-19 Triennium. Members of ACRRM will receive 7 Core Point for the 2017-19 Triennium.


To register and complete the course visit www.otac.org.au. Contact us on 02 9515 9811 or otac.info@sydney.edu.au.