

Closed: Nurse Transition Program 2022

Applications for 2022 have now closed. Applications for 2023 will open in December 2022.

Alternatively, If you are a general practice who would like to employ a graduate nurse for 2023, please select the button below. Applications will open for 2023 in December 2022.

New Graduate Nurse Intake 2022

SNHN will run a new graduate program in 2022 open specifically to Registered Nurses who have just gained registration and are interested in pursuing a career in primary care.

The new graduate nurse will be placed in a General Practice for a period of 12 months and supported by a structured education program and a nurse program coordinator based at SNHN, and a senior designated mentor nurse who is already established in the general practice.

To ensure the new graduate Nurse is properly supported on entry to practice the new graduate places in this program for 2022 has been capped at 5.

The objectives of this new model include improving retention of the new graduates and supporting the practice.

SHNH will:

  • recruit the new graduate
  • provide mentoring training for existing practice nurse (half day in January 2022).
  • support the new graduate and nurse mentor
  • provide education, both face-to-face (5 sessions) and online.

The general practice will:

  • nominate the dedicated nurse mentor in their practice
  • ensure both mentor and new graduate are allowed protected time to meet outside of normal practice business (either within or outside of practice hours)
  • release the new graduate for 5 face-to-face education/workshop days, and release the mentor to attend a one/half-day workshop at SNHN (graduate and mentor are to be paid by the general practice to do so)
  • employ the new graduate for a 12-month period from February 2022.

To apply for the New Graduate Nurse Intake for 2022, please fill in the form below. You will need to attach a current copy of your CV and two clinical referee contacts. Applications close Tuesday 30 November, COB.

    Clinical referee #1 details

    Clinical referee #2 details

    Invitation to general practices: employ a graduate nurse for 2023

    If your practice is interested in employing a graduate nurse for 2023 under the New Graduate Nurse Intake (above), please fill in the form below.

      Please outline in 150 words or less why your practice would benefit from having a graduate nurse join the practice:

      Nurses New to Primary Care Intake 2022

      SNHN recognises that many nurses move into a career in primary care after many years working in hospital or aged care settings. We recognise that many nurses come to General Practice with significant experience and so we are aiming to support this cohort of nurses to adjust to the differing demands of working in primary care as opposed to the hospital setting.

      This program will focus on supporting the nurses with access to online education modules, the support of the nurse coordinator at SNHN and an invitation to nurse specific education events and workshops throughout the year offered by SNHN.

      Nurses New to Primary care intake – March

      Nurses New to Primary care intake – July

      Both of these intakes will allow for 5 nurses (10 in total throughout 2022) to be supported in primary care by the SNHN through:

      • online learning modules focusing on primary health care
      • support and networking through the Nurse Program Coordinator based at SNHN
      • invitation to some face-to-face education days throughout 2022.

      To apply for the Nurses New to Primary Care Intake 2022, please fill in the form below.

        Your name

        Contact number

        Your email address

        AHPRA number


        To enquire about the structure of the program or the intake process, please contact:

        Amy Minshull, Primary Care Nurse Coordinator  |  aminshull@snhn.org.au