



Community Health News – Aug ’16

Community Health News – Aug ’16

Training Invitation – Improving Skills in Recognising & Responding to the Abuse of Older People

Elder Abuse Information Session

Elder abuse is much more common than our society has traditionally admitted. Much of the problem has been hidden, undefined and under-reported. While elder abuse is not a new problem, our society is increasingly recognising and describing ‘elder abuse’ as a range of situations involving the maltreatment or neglect of older people by people they should be able to trust, such as family and friends.

To assist personnel working with the elderly, NCF are presenting an Elder Abuse information session on Wednesday August 31 in Hornsby.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Train-the-Trainer Workshop

The Train-The-Trainer workshop also focuses on improving skills in recognising and responding to the abuse of older people. Participants will learn how to deliver training in particular topic areas, including a background to NSW’s policy response to the abuse of older people, key considerations when abuse is detected or suspected, and responding to reports of alleged abuse.

This workshop is being held on Thursday 29 September at the Royal North Shore Hospital.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Go4Fun – Free NSW Health Overweight & Obesity Treatment Program for Children Above a Healthy Weight

Go4Fun is an evidence-based children’s overweight and obesity treatment program provided by NSW Health, which shows clinically significant health benefits and improved self-esteem in children above a healthy weight. The 10-week program involves both children aged 7-13 years and their parents, focuses on developing healthy eating habits, building self-confidence and getting children more active.

Sessions run after school and include informative games, fun and active exercise activities, tips on healthy food and portion sizes, label reading, a supermarket tour and more. Since 2011, over 650 Go4Fun programs have been delivered throughout NSW, engaging more than 6250 families! Enrolments are now open for the Term 4 2016 Go4Fun programs, which will commence in early October.

On average, children who participate in Go4Fun achieve positive outcomes including:

  • A 0.6kg/m² BMI reduction
  • 1.5cm reduction in waist circumference
  • An increase of 3.6 hours per week spent being physically active
  • A decrease of 2.8 hours per week in sedentary activity
  • Increased fitness and self-esteem
  • An improved diet including increased fruit & vegetable intake

Hornsby Go4Fun Supermarket Tour
Venue: Hornsby PCYC
Address: 22 Waitara Ave, Waitara, NSW 2077
Start date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 4.30pm-6.30pm

Northern Beaches
Venue: Pittwater Sports Centre
Address: 1525 Pittwater Rd, North Narrabeen
Start date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 4.30pm – 6.30pm

CLICK HERE for more information or contact the Go4Fun Coordinator on 9462 9568.

Women’s Health Week ~ 5-9 September 2016

Women’s Health Week is Jean Hailes’ national signature campaign that runs every September.

This year, the theme is ‘Am I normal?’ This is a question that every woman at some stage asks herself, whether it’s about weight, body image, mental health or sex, let’s get rid of the elephant in the room and start talking about our health.

If you want to get involved, you have a few options.
You can host an event to raise money for Jean Hailes, a not-for-profit dedicated to improving women’s health, or simply to have some fun by connecting and sharing knowledge in your community. Some event ideas for individuals include trivia nights, healthy morning teas or a group walk. Workplaces can organise a range of activities, from a healthy lunch, to mindfulness training or an exercise class. Event hosts can order free guest showbags if you register before 17 August. You’ll also go in the running to win a ‘Fun, Fit & Fabulous’ 5-night stay for two people at the Solar Springs Resort in NSW.

If hosting an event isn’t your cup of tea, you can join the first ever Women’s Health Week webcast on Monday 5 September from 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Hosting the webcast will be sex educator & Sunday Age columnist Maureen Matthews, dietitian & author Karen Inge, and psychologist & Jean Hailes’ deputy CEO Dr Mandy Deeks – a fabulous mix of health professionals! The topic of the webcast is what’s normal when it comes to women’s health. The interactive webcast will also be streamed live so you can join in wherever you are located or listen to the recorded copy at your own convenience.

An even simpler way to show your support is to wear an elephant pin on your jacket throughout the week – they’re only $5 each.

CLICK HERE for information on hosting and registering an event.

If you have any questions about Women’s Health Week, you can email www@jeanhailes.org.au or phone 1800 JEAN HAILES.

New online Indigenous Lung Health Checklist

Lung Foundation Australia in collaboration with the Queensland Government’s Indigenous Respiratory Outreach Care Program have developed the first ever Australia-wide Lung Health Checklist specifically for the Indigenous community.

It only takes a few minutes, and the eight simple questions will help to recognise symptoms and risks of lung disease and the need to act promptly. The Indigenous Lung Health Checklist is narrated by the Lung Foundation’s Ambassador and Olympic Legend Cathy Freeman so it is broadly accessible to all communities.

This checklist will help tackle the vital issue of improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ lung health, with Indigenous peoples almost twice as likely to die from a lung-related condition than non-Indigenous Australians.

Help us to address the endemic challenge of promoting good lung health in the Indigenous community. Lung Foundation Australia encourages everyone to take the Indigenous Lung Health Checklist at http://indigenouslungscheck.lungfoundation.com.au/.

For more information or printed copies of the Indigenous Lung Health Checklist phone Lung Foundation Australia on freecall 1800 654 301 or email enquiries@lungfoundation.com.au.

Be Medicinewise Week 2016

This Be Medicinewise Week (22–28 August), Australians are being encouraged to ‘take charge’ of their medicines by asking the right questions of the right people and following the right advice, when they agree to use a prescription or complimentary medicine.

Your GP or pharmacist will be happy to answer these questions for you – make sure you ask!

CLICK HERE for 5 questions to ask before taking new medicines.
CLICK HERE for more information about Be Medicinewise Week.

Free upcoming diabetes event in North Ryde

Diabetes NSW is providing free individual health information sessions for people living with diabetes and who are registered with the NDSS. During the session, you will have access to a diabetes educator, a dietitian and an exercise physiologist.

Date: Friday 2 September 2016
When: 9.30am to 3.45pm (45-minute appointment)
Where: The Ranch Hotel, Cnr Epping & Herring Rd, North Ryde

Bookings are essential. Please call 1300 136 588.

CLICK HERE for more information.

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