PROVIDER: Motor Neurone Disease Australia
DATE: Monday 12 September 2016
VENUE: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
SYNOPSIS: If you have an interest in motor neurone disease (MND) management, support, care and assistive technology then this conference is for you. Conference themes include Care, Collaboration, Communication. Who should attend:
- Allied health professionals
- Case managers
- Community care providers
- General practitioners
- Government representatives
- Medical specialists
- NDIA staff
- Nurses
- Palliative care staff
- Residential aged care staff
- Personal care workers
- People living with MND
COST: $180 Registration Fee includes pre-conference networking event and full day conference. Conference delegates have the opportunity to attend the Calvary Health Care Bethlehem MND Management Workshop on 13 Sept for an additional $165.
ENQUIRIES: contact MND Australia 02 8385 2966 or email
REGISTRATION: Register Online at