March 2017 – December 2019
PROVIDER: Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM)
Date: 7th – 9th June 2019
Venue: Grand Millennium Auckland, 71 Mayoral Drive, Cnr Vincent Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand.
Lifestyle Medicine 2019 is designed to equip doctors and allied health practitioners with evidence-based knowledge and practical skills in chronic disease management, treatment and prevention.
By attending this international event, attendees will:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the latest translational science and research in chronic and lifestyle-related disease
- Obtain practical knowledge, skills, tools and procedures for chronic disease management, treatment and prevention
- Acquire an evidence-based knowledge of the application of Lifestyle Medicine in clinical and public health practice
- Hear from a sizeable contingent of national and international speakers
- Network and create lasting connections with a multidisciplinary cohort of like-minded health professionals
- Be a part of a global movement for change in healthcare
Lifestyle Medicine 2019 is expected to offer the following CPD points for GPs:
- RNZCGP MOPS points
- RACGP QI&CPD points
- Friday workshops – 40 Category 1 points
- Saturday – Category 2 points
- Sunday – Category 2 points
- ACRRM PDP points
CPD points may also be sought from allied health practitioner organisations.
MORE INFORMATION: Click ‘register’to find out more.