

Mental Health in Residential Aged Care for RNs

Aim: To develop the capacity of RNs to provide specialised clinical care for residents experiencing mental health symptoms

Target audience: Registered Nurses working in Aged Care facilities in the Sydney North Health Network region

Facilitator: Ann Gaffney (Anglicare Emotional Wellbeing in Older Persons Program, Northern Sydney Primary Health Network)

This course involves self-directed study covering different learning activities:

MHPOD: Selected topics within the ‘Mental Health Professional Online Development’ portal

Coaching: 2 online coaching sessions with the Anglicare Program Clinician

Reflective Nursing Practice: Self-directed activity as guided by the Anglicare Program clinician, involving a recommended webinar.


  • An interest in meeting the mental health needs of older persons in your care.
  • Access to the internet and a device to use to complete online learning activities.

Enquiries and registration:

Contact Ann Gaffney for a registration form. Phone: 0407 008 478
Email: ann.gaffney@anglicare.org.au

Registrations are limited; applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Please note all learning activities must be completed by 31 May 2020.

Click here for flyer.