

Untangling Depression: Practical strategies for cases that challenge us

MAY 2018

PROVIDER: The Black Dog Institute

DATE: 10 May 2018

TIME: 09 AM – 05 PM

VENUE: Randwick, NSW


A clinically relevant program designed to help you manage chronic and relapsing cases of depression effectively in a climate of reduced funding and limited sessions.

Based on our latest understanding of how depression develops and presents, the program provides a practical framework and evidence-based strategies to manage complex presentations of depression that require more than routine treatment. Knowing what to assess for, how to build a team approach and address treatment barriers will benefit both patients and clinicians by improving treatment response, and helping to ease strain, and ethical and practice dilemmas often faced by clinicians.

In this highly interactive course, clinicians will have the opportunity to work on real case studies, reflect on their own experiences, and learn from peers. The program has been developed based on extensive consultation with Mental Health professionals to identify the issues and solutions for dealing with complex presentations of depression. It is run by highly experienced clinicians with advanced group facilitation skills.

REGISTRATION: For more information or to register, click here.