

Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: what’s the evidence?

Did you know that someone with lung cancer may present to their GP with symptoms as many as four times before a diagnosis is made? While some symptoms of lung cancer can be easy to spot, others may be non-specific and therefore challenging to differentiate from other conditions. This can result in diagnostic delays, more advanced stage cancer at time of diagnosis and poorer patient outcomes. The role of primary care health professionals is critical in facilitating early diagnosis and referral for symptomatic patients with suspected lung cancer.

Lung Foundation Australia is hosting a one-hour, live panel discussion for health professionals featuring multi-disciplinary lung cancer experts and a review of the latest evidence and clinical recommendations for investigating symptoms of lung cancer, as detailed in the resource Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: A guide for all health professionals.

Event attendees will also receive exclusive, early access to a free, accredited eLearning module A Systematic Approach to Investigating Symptoms of Lung Cancer developed by Lung Foundation Australia, in collaboration with Cancer Australia. Through scenario-based learning, this online training aims to increase your confidence in recognising lung cancer in symptomatic patients and in practical application of the Guide’s recommendations to support timely referral and diagnosis.

Thursday 9 September 2021, 6:00pm AEST.

To find out more and to register, visit lungfoundation.com.au/LCtraining.