

Expression of interest: Regional Leadership Group


Northern Sydney Primary Health Network (NSPHN) and Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) are seeking representation from key stakeholders from the health, community and social sectors to participate as members of a Regional Leadership Group, helping to develop a strategic approach for the implementation of the Northern Sydney Joint Regional Plan for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Alcohol and Other Drugs (the Regional Plan).

The Regional Plan was developed by NSPHN and NSLHD following extensive consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders. The Regional Plan has been informed by local service providers, clinicians, people with a lived experience, carers, and community members to explore local issues and determine actions for inclusion within the Plan.

The purpose of the Regional Leadership Group is to support delivery of the actions outlined in the Regional Plan and enable key stakeholders from the health, community, social sectors and people/carers of people with a lived experience to develop a strategic approach to the planning and delivery of mental health and alcohol and other drug services for the region.

The Regional Leadership Group will be responsible for:

  • Oversight of the implementation and evaluation of the Regional Plan
  • Undertake regular reviews of the Regional Plan to ensure alignment with broader Commonwealth and NSW strategies and directions
  • Facilitating strong partnerships and effective communication between agencies and organisations within the Northern Sydney region to improve mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drugs health outcomes
  • Establishing working groups reporting into the Regional Leadership Group for specific purposes or activity areas


Guiding principles

The following principles guide the work of the Regional Leadership Group. The Regional Leadership Group will:

  • work collaboratively
  • actively engage, codesign with and involve consumers and carers
  • make decisions based on evidence and best-practice
  • have the courage to innovate to achieve outcomes, trial new approaches and new ways of working
  • continuously monitor and evaluate its work and share with others
  • operate transparently and regularly communicate with relevant stakeholders.

The NSPHN and NSLHD are seeking representation from:

  • Local councils
  • Housing services
  • Community service providers
  • People with lived experience and carers of people with a lived experience
  • General practice
  • Private mental health services

The first meeting of the Regional Leadership group will be on Tuesday the 14th of September, 2021 from 1pm to 4pm.


View the terms of reference for the Joint Regional Leadership Group here.


How to Express Interest

To express your interest in becoming a member of the Northern Sydney Regional Leadership Group please complete the Expression of Interest form below by 26th of August 2021.



Email Tai Luani, Project Coordinator (Mental Health), Northern Sydney PHN: tluani@snhn.org.au

EOI form: Northern Sydney Regional Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Alcohol and Other Drugs Leadership Group

    Full name

    Telephone number

    Mobile number

    Email address

    Organisation (if applicable)

    Position (if applicable)

    Local councilsHousing servicesCommunity service providersLived experience or carers of people with lived experienceGeneral practicePrivate hospital servicesPrivate mental health services

    Why does becoming a member of the Regional Leadership Group interest you?

    Please describe your background, including experience, qualifications, skills, and areas of special interest that would be relevant as a member of the Regional Leadership Group.

    If applicable, please tell us about some of the regional, state-based or national mental health, suicide prevention or alcohol and other drugs initiatives that you have been a part of or are currently involved with.

    Please outline what networks or groups in Northern Sydney you currently participate in that will add value to the Regional Leadership Group.