

Expression of Interest: Lived Experience/Carer Representative- Northern Sydney Regional Suicide Prevention Working Group

Northern Sydney Primary Health Network (NSPHN) is seeking a representation of people with lived experience or carer experience to participate as a member of a regional Suicide Prevention Working Group (Working Group), to support the development and implementation of a framework for a coordinated regional suicide prevention strategy that involves key stakeholders from the health, community, education, and social sectors.

The Working Group has been established as a part of the implementation of the Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Alcohol and Other Drugs Regional Plan (the Regional Plan) that was developed by Northern Sydney Primary Health Network (NSPHN) and Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) in collaboration with local stakeholders.

The Working Group will be responsible for:

  • Oversight of the development, implementation, monitoring, and review of the framework.
  • Regular reviews of the framework to ensure alignment with the Regional Plan, and broader Commonwealth and NSW strategies and directions for suicide prevention.
  • Facilitation of strong partnerships and effective communication between agencies and organisations within the Northern Sydney region to improve suicide prevention and mental health outcomes.
  • Establishing subcommittees reporting into the Working Group for specific purposes or activity areas.


Guiding principles 


The following principles guide the work of the Working Group. The Working Group will:

  • actively engage and involve – collaborate, co-design, co-lead and co-deliver activities in partnership with people with a lived experience and carers
  • make decisions based on best available evidence for effective practice
  • have the courage to innovate to achieve outcomes
  • trial new approaches and new ways of working
  • continuously monitor and evaluate its work and share with others
  • operate transparently and regularly communicate with relevant stakeholders and the Northern Sydney community
  • support innovative models and ways of working together across human services that reflect a shared purpose




This role is a paid position. The rate of pay is $108 per hour.


How to Express Interest


To express your interest in becoming a member of the Northern Sydney Regional Leadership Group please either:

Complete this online form


Complete the Expression of Interest Word document and return to Tai Luani, Suicide Prevention Lead, NSPHN (tluani@snhn.org.au)


For any enquiries, please email tluani@snhn.org.au.