

Expression of Interest: GP Health Talks for ESL TAFE Students at AMEP

SNHN is seeking Expressions of Interest from GPs to lead health talks for North Sydney Institute (NSi) TAFE English as Second Language (ESL) students in the Adult English Migrant Program.

GPs who speak Mandarin and Cantonese are especially advantageous to this program. GPs will receive remuneration for their participation in this 1.5 hour workshop. Talks are currently being held at the Hornsby and Meadowbank campuses.

About the AMEP

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) helps people learn English. It provides up to 510 hours of free English lessons and childcare to newly-arrived eligible migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants. AMEP is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

This practical interactive workshop will have the GP covering the following components:

  • Getting the most from your GP visit
  • Continuity of care
  • Appointment choices and what to bring to GP visit
  • Student’s health care team
  • Referring to specialists and allied health
  • After hours medical care options

Learning Objectives

By the end of this activity, participants should be able to understand:

  1. How to access General Practice
  2. The kinds of health services that are appropriate for a GP to provide
  3. The different types of after-hours services available
  4. The types of health assessments that are appropriate as you get older
  5. When a specialist or allied health service referral is required
  6. The difference between private and public hospital services

    Sydney North Health Network – GP Health Talks for ESL TAFE Students at AMEP

    "Achieving Together: Better Health, Better Care".

    Expression of Interest FORM

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