PROVIDER: MHPN (Mental Health Professionals’ Network)
DATE: Tuesday 20 September 2016 – 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
VENUE: Turramurra Seniors Centre / Community Hall, 1 Gilroy Road, Turramurra NSW 2074
This session will share personal experiences of co-design, the challenges faced by participants and promising approaches for authentic co-design initiatives.
The ‘Experiencing Co-Design’ investigation project behind the presentation started with a definition of co-design as activities which engage consumers and carers in the design, development or review of health systems. The people engaged in the project had experience in co-design in the areas of research and evaluation; policy and practice standards and/or health system reform. The project contributes to the wider objective of the consumer and carer sector to develop standards for a model for consumer and carer leadership in co-design that demonstrates the value of placing co-design at the centre of health system reform.
The core question for this investigation was the perennial evaluation question ‘what works for whom in what context?’
The Co-Design Shared Perspectives report provides a framework for the implementation of co-design projects in mental health and we will look briefly at the next steps recommended in the report.
Learning Outcomes: Workshop participants will have an opportunity to actively engage with the knowledge and recommendations generated by the project and add their voice to the project’s ongoing conversation about effective consumer, carer and professional collaboration.
Light refreshments provided, RSVP essential.
ENQUIRIES: For more information contact the Project Officer Ingrid Benge
REGISTRATION: Please register RSVP to