

Education Videos


Preventative Health and Screening Education Videos

Preventative Health and Screening Education Videos

Found 7 videos.

Anabolic Steroids The appeal, risks and treatment decisions

Thursday 21 March 2024

Many people that use, or are considering use of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) don’t often reveal that fact to their GP, but it’s vital they feel comfortable to do so. This webinar will address primary and secondary motivations for anabolic steroid use, and how a GP can respond to engage these patients safely.

Speakers explore models by which anabolic steroids users can engage with our health system and guides on how to provide tailored treatment and/or harm reduction advice to this patient group.

Content builds on the locally developed GP Guide to harm minimisation for patients using non-prescribed anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and other performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) that is internationally regarded as a trusted source of information on this topic.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define the appeal of anabolic steroid use
  • Design treatment plans to mitigate the effect of anabolic steroid use on our health system and patients, including use from an early age with potential lifelong comorbidity management.
  • Examine effective approaches to patient care and redefining life after steroids
  • Develop trust with the patient and use a harm minimisation approach to manage Post Cycle Therapy risks and benefits


Dr James Ibrahim – General Practitioner
James is a GP and Practice Owner of the Terry Hills Medical Centre. He is also the founder and inaugural chair of the Social Prescribing Specific Interest Group in the RACGP.
Current positions include:
-GP Clinical Lead in Alcohol and Other Drugs, SNPHN
-Clinical Advisory Council, SNPHN
-GP advisor to the Victorian DOH Social Prescribing Working Group

Dr Ingrid Havnes – Psychiatrist, MD, PHD
Our special guest Dr Ingrid Havnes is joining us all the way from Norway. Ingrid is a specialist in psychiatry and general practice, a researcher and senior consultant at Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital. She brings international expertise from a country where people who use anabolic-androgenic steroids have rights to treatment. Ingrid has extensive experience on educating people who use anabolic-androgenic steroids, their next of kin, and health professionals about desired/undesired effects, and treatment options.

Head & Neck cancer update

Monday 18 December 2023

This webinar will provide information and updates regarding Head and Neck Cancer, including up to date research on preventative strategies, diagnosis, investigations and management. This session will raise awareness among GPs to appropriately examine patients with suspected cancer, order relevant investigations and forward urgent referrals. Information will also be provided regarding the processes for patients with Head and Neck cancer from diagnosis to cure, as well as potential long term side effects of treatment that may present in the GP setting.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognise current opinions and updates regarding the diagnosis, investigations and management of Head and Neck Cancer.
  • Risk stratify and clinically examine patients with suspected Head and Neck cancer, order appropriate investigations and arrange urgent referrals
  • Implement preventative strategies and early detection/screening programs to potentially improve survival outcomes
  • Recognise the potential long term side effects of Head and Neck cancer treatment


Dr Leo Pang, Bsc (Med) MB BS FRACS, Consultant Adult and Paediatric ENT, Head and Neck Surgeon, VMO and Head & Neck Surgeon, RNS Hospital Head & Neck Cancer MDT

Dementia in Primary Care – Detection, Management and Latest Advances

Wednesday 9 August 2023

This webinar focuses on the Detection, Management and the Latest Advances in Dementia, presented by Professor Henry Brodaty, an internationally recognised authority on ageing and dementia.

Prof Brodaty discusses the diagnosis and management pathway, including the challenges faced in primary care, and provides an update on the latest advances in treatment options.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognise the importance of a timely diagnosis and the barriers to diagnosis
  • Identify cognitive concerns in general practice
  • Establish and implement effective management plans
  • Examine latest advances in dementia treatments
  • Demonstrate enhanced local dementia support health pathways


Scientia Professor Henry Brodaty | Scientia Professor of Ageing and Mental Health, University of NSW; Consultant Psychogeriatrician, Aged Care Psychiatry and Head of the Memory Disorders Clinic, Prince of Wales Hospital.

Scientia Professor of Ageing and Mental Health, Co-Director of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, UNSW.

As well as being a prolific researcher, Henry is a senior psychogeriatrician within Aged Care Psychiatry and Head of the Memory Disorders Clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital.

He is a member of the Expert Advisory Panel for NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Care and has served on several New South Wales and Commonwealth committees related to ageing and dementia.

Let’s Get to the Bottom of IAD and PI’s in Aged Care

Thursday 8 June 2023

This webinar is designed to help you understand the implications of pressure injuries(PI’s) and incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) and how these apply to the new Department of Health and Aged Care quality indicators introduced on the 1st April 2023.

In this webinar, participants will:
• Find out more about the scope of the problem in aged care
• Identify the difference between IAD and PIs
• Learn about prevention and management strategies for IAD


Dr Michelle Gibb | Founder and Director of Wound Specialist Services

Michelle is a nationally and internationally recognised wound expert and nurse leader with a passion for improving patient outcomes. Michelle has a Doctor of Philosophy, Masters of Nursing Science (Nurse Practitioner), Masters of Wound Care, Bachelor of Nursing and almost 20 years’ career experience in the specialty of wounds in a range of health service contexts. Michelle is a key opinion leader in the specialty of wounds and is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through her caring and compassionate approach combined with advanced skills gained through extensive experience and education.


Thursday 11 May 2023


Prof Sue Kurrle | Geriatrician

More Information:

Powerpoint Presentation: Aging Successfully


Transcript of video

Powerpoint Presentation: Aging Successfully, by Prof Sue Kurrle

2022 Primary Health Care Symposium: Primary Healthcare – Better Together!

Thursday 10 November 2022

Through an expert panel discussion facilitated by Dr Norman Swan, viewers will explore where primary care is currently, where we are heading and the importance of an integrated, multidisciplinary system.

A series of video vignettes shares examples of how Sydney North Health Network is working together in Integration, Primary Care and Community

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognise the importance of an integrated system for enhanced primary care
  • Explore what the future of primary health care could look like
  • Recognise the role of innovation, multidisciplinary care, and prevention within primary care


  • Facilitator: Dr Norman Swan – Health Journalist, Broadcaster and Commentator
  • Ros Knight – Clinical Psychologist
  • Dr Luke Morphett – General Practitioner
  • Matthew Burton – Pharmacist
  • Kerry McBride – Practice Nurse

MBS item numbers for Older Persons in the community including Case Conferencing

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Aimed at providing an overview of the Benefits to patient outcomes of using case conferencing and the MBS items available to support and provide care to the elderly population (living in the community, not those in residential aged care).

The MBS items discussed include:

  • 75+ Health assessments- full comprehensive review of patient’s health, social, mental and physical health
  • Care plans and team care arrangements- plans to provide appropriate referrals to allied health workers
  • Home medication reviews- full review of medications to prevent any hospital risks due to medication mismanagement
  • Case conferencing- service provision of multidisciplinary team meetings to work collaboratively to ensure best outcomes for patients
  • DVA specific programs such as Coordinated Veterans Care Program and Allied health cycles of care- both of which are aimed at reducing hospital admission and support provision
  • Mental Health Plans- the provision of a mental health plan to access psychological services in the elderly who may be suffering from any type of mental health condition (depression most common)

All of these programs focus on identifying health concerns within the elderly and providing support through referrals to allied health services appropriate to the person’s needs.

GPs and Practice Nurses/Support staff will learn how to make time to ‘book in case conferencing’ to utilise item numbers and improve patient outcomes.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify and manage a patient or group of patents that is making recurrent presentations to hospital (ED) through available support services
  • Utilise appropriate MBS item number/s to ensure provision of support through referrals to allied health services appropriate to the patients’ needs
  • identifying health concerns within the elderly through better understanding of MBS item numbers
  • Outline effective referral pathways and options to ensure continuity of patient care


Wendy O’Meara | Primary Health Education Consultant


Elderly Australians MBS Presentation

Desktop Guide to Chronic Disease Management and MBS Item Numbers


CVC Providers