

Education Videos


Alcohol & Other Drugs Education Videos

Alcohol & Other Drugs Education Videos

Found 6 videos.

Anabolic Steroids The appeal, risks and treatment decisions

Thursday 21 March 2024

Many people that use, or are considering use of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) don’t often reveal that fact to their GP, but it’s vital they feel comfortable to do so. This webinar will address primary and secondary motivations for anabolic steroid use, and how a GP can respond to engage these patients safely.

Speakers explore models by which anabolic steroids users can engage with our health system and guides on how to provide tailored treatment and/or harm reduction advice to this patient group.

Content builds on the locally developed GP Guide to harm minimisation for patients using non-prescribed anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and other performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) that is internationally regarded as a trusted source of information on this topic.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define the appeal of anabolic steroid use
  • Design treatment plans to mitigate the effect of anabolic steroid use on our health system and patients, including use from an early age with potential lifelong comorbidity management.
  • Examine effective approaches to patient care and redefining life after steroids
  • Develop trust with the patient and use a harm minimisation approach to manage Post Cycle Therapy risks and benefits


Dr James Ibrahim – General Practitioner
James is a GP and Practice Owner of the Terry Hills Medical Centre. He is also the founder and inaugural chair of the Social Prescribing Specific Interest Group in the RACGP.
Current positions include:
-GP Clinical Lead in Alcohol and Other Drugs, SNPHN
-Clinical Advisory Council, SNPHN
-GP advisor to the Victorian DOH Social Prescribing Working Group

Dr Ingrid Havnes – Psychiatrist, MD, PHD
Our special guest Dr Ingrid Havnes is joining us all the way from Norway. Ingrid is a specialist in psychiatry and general practice, a researcher and senior consultant at Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital. She brings international expertise from a country where people who use anabolic-androgenic steroids have rights to treatment. Ingrid has extensive experience on educating people who use anabolic-androgenic steroids, their next of kin, and health professionals about desired/undesired effects, and treatment options.

Reducing alcohol-related harm in general practice

Wednesday 28 February 2024

General practice consultations provide an opportunity to deliver brief interventions to patients to reduce weekly alcohol consumption.

Attendees will learn the scope of strategies that can be used in general practice, tools that can be used by GPs to support these strategies, and how to incorporate brief interventions into daily practice. We will also hear from the SDECC and Odyssey House to better understand local referral pathways.

You will be introduced to the REACH (Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm in General Practice) project and tools, developed by Monash University. The REACH project supports GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to talk to their patients about alcohol use.  The REACH team has developed a package of practical, evidence-based and informative resources with input from GPs, nurses and community members.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Prepare brief intervention strategies to assess alcohol intake and reduce weekly consumption
  • Incorporate brief interventions into daily practice
  • Utilise course reference material to identify local referral pathways and services


A/Prof Elizabeth Sturgiss – GP, Associate Professor of Research in the School of Primary and Allied Health Care at Monash University and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University whose research focuses on chronic and complex diseases among priority populations

Dr Hester Wilson – GP, a registered Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and a Fellow of the Chapter of Addiction Medicine, with a Masters in Mental Health. She is working towards completion of her PhD in collaborative care. Dr Wilson has participated in numerous expert committees for both state and federal governments, and is Chair of the RACGP’s Specific Interest Addiction Medicine Network

Dr Esther Han – GP in the northern beaches of Sydney, a Drug & Alcohol Specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital and a Clinical Lecturer in the Discipline of Addiction Medicine, Northern Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health University of Sydney.

SDECC and Odyssey House Presenters

ADHD: Emotional Regulation in the Early Years and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention

Wednesday 22 February 2023

This webinar aims to empower GPs to confidently address family concerns that a child may have ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).

Viewers will also be provided with an update on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention in our region, as well as ideas around starting the conversation with women who drinking before/during pregnancy.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Integrate Blue Book ‘Learn the Signs. Act Early’ checks for all 0-4yo’s patients in general practice using a systematic approach
  • Assess challenges with emotion and behaviour regulation in the early years, including family concern about possible attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Determine ‘red flags’ and refer early for improved childhood outcomes
  • Recognise the variety of conditions that fall under Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
  • Identify therapeutic engagement strategies for women who are drinking alcohol in the peripartum period


  • Dr Yvette Vella | NSLHD Staff Specialist Developmental Paediatrician
  • Dr Esther Han | NSLHD Drug & Alcohol Staff Specialist & GP
  • Vicki Laing | NSLHD Child and Family Health: General Practice-Community Liaison Nurse
  • Megan Leckie | Community Engagement Officer, Early Childhood Program
  • Diane Russell | CNS 2 NSLHD Substance Use in Pregnancy and Parenting Service

Nicotine Vaping for Smoking Cessation and Upcoming Scheduling Changes

Wednesday 15 September 2021

This webinar will update GPs on the role of vaping nicotine to help smokers quit and outline scheduling changes to nicotine coming into effect from 1 October 2021. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and illness in Australia and accounts for 21,000 premature deaths. 14.7% of our adult population smoke. While remaining a controversial treatment for smoking harm reduction in Australia, nicotine vaping (nicotine e-cigarettes) has been approved as second-line treatment by the RACGP and RANZCP for smoking cessation. Research suggests that it is more effective than combination nicotine replacement therapy. From October 2021, Australians will be able to access nicotine liquid with a legal non-PBS prescription from Australian pharmacies and through importation under the TGA Personal Importation scheme.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the principles of tobacco harm reduction using nicotine containing e-cigarettes.
  • Explain the RACGP guidelines for use of nicotine containing e-cigarettes and the upcoming scheduling changes.
  • Explain the clinical elements of a prescription for nicotine containing e-cigarettes.
  • Counsel patients on the use of nicotine containing e-cigarettes.


Dr Colin Mendelsohn, GP. With a special interest in smoking cessation, Colin practised as a GP in Sydney for 27 years. He now works exclusively in tobacco treatment, helping smokers to quit. Colin is a member of the committee that develops the RACGP national smoking cessation guidelines and is the Founding Chairman of the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction association. He is actively involved in research, writing, and teaching about smoking cessation, tobacco harm reduction and tobacco control.


Quit Smoking Study Synopsis and Quit Smoking Study Flyer.

Home Alcohol Withdrawal and Relapse Prevention

Wednesday 17 February 2021


  • Dr John Smart, MBBS DRACOG RACGP FAChAM (RACP). Dr Smart is a Foundation Fellow of the Chapter of Addiction Medicine and has dual interests in both Primary Care and Addiction Medicine.
  • Dr Chester Omana MB BS FRANZCP, Acc. Faculty of Addiction Psychiatry. Dr Omana is a Psychiatrist in Addiction Medicine at RNSH and Wesley Hospital, and Conjoint Lecturer at UNSW.


Youth Services: Alcohol and Other Drugs + The latest on e-cigarettes Webinar

Tuesday 27 October 2020


  • Kingsley Waterson, Northern Sydney LHD Drug and Alcohol Services, Service Director.
  • Michelle Comito, Drug and Alcohol Youth Support Services (DAYSS), Coordinator Family & Youth Support Services.
  • Carolyn McKay, Sydney Drug Education and Counselling Centre (SDECC), CEO.
  • Marlene Gilbert, Mission Australia, Program Manager, Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Continuing Coordinated Care Program.
  • Jane De Matteis, Brookvale headspace, Clinical Lead.
  • Lisa Fawkner, Northern Beaches Child Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS), Senior Clinical Social Worker.
  • Christian Gienau, Odyssey House, Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Counsellor.
  • Ryan Courtney, Senior Lecturer, NDARC, UNSW, Sydney Australia & National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellow.
  • Hayden McRobbie, Professor, NDARC, UNSW, Sydney Australia & Consultant in Lifestyle Medicine, Lakes District Health Board, Rotorua, New Zealand.


 Click here to review the presentation.