

Driving Safety: Sedating Medication and Opioid Agonist Treatment

PROVIDER: The University of Sydney Discipline of Addiction Medicine

DATE: Ongoing (online)

COST: Free


Health professionals caring for patients who receive opioid agonist treatment (OAT) need to be aware of the potential impact of treatments and other factors on driving safety. The Driving Safety: Sedating Medications and Opioid Agonist Treatment course is designed to support health professionals in assessing a patient’s fitness to drive, with a focus on sedating medications and OAT.

By completing this short course, you will meet the following learning objectives:

  • Identify factors that can impact on driving safety and diagnosing risks to driving for patients, including those receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT).
  • Develop an understanding of short-term fitness to drive and long-term medical fitness to drive, including key assessment considerations.
  • Incorporate knowledge around roles and responsibilities, patient confidentiality, and difficult clinical conversations to effectively manage patients in the context of fitness to drive.
  • Understand the medical standards for licensing and reporting legislation within New South Wales.


Member of the RACGP will receive 2 Category 2 Points for the 2017-19 Triennium. Members of ACRRM will receive 1 Core Point for the 2017-19 Triennium.


To register and complete the course visit www.drivingsafety.com.au, or contact us on 02 9515 9811.