

A Dementia Forum Connecting Experience & Theory: Exploring technology and creativity in dementia care


PROVIDER: Baptist Care
DATE: Thursday 15 September, 2016
VENUE: Waterview, Bicentennial Drive, Sydney Olympic Park


Join the Baptist Care Team as they bring together industry experts and individuals living with or caring for someone with dementia for this unique professional development experience.

Don’t miss this inspiring day as they explore how technology and creative ageing programs are being embraced to support residents and clients living beyond a diagnosis of dementia.

The forum begins at 8.30am with refreshments, and is bursting with storytellers who will take us on a journey of personal insights and innovative research.

The one day forum will conclude with optional networking drinks and canapés, so you can relax in the casual atmosphere of Café at Waterview with colleagues and friends.

Registrations close Wednesday 7 September.

COST:  $165 including: Attendance; morning tea, buffet lunch and afternoon tea; complimentary onsite parking; forum bag and materials. Additional $20 Networking Drinks & Canapés (4.30pm – 5.30pm) Enjoy a selection of delicious canapés and drinks.
ENQUIRIES: For more information, contact Melanie Hendra on melanie@melaniehendraevents.com or phone 0407 674 445.
REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/stories-of-me-dementia-forum-tickets-25341164104.