Health & Wellbeing Services

Health and Wellbeing is a complex combination of physical, mental, emotional and social factors that are closely interrelated. Understanding how these factors influence the ability to carry out the activities of daily living and its impact on illness are central to addressing common issues in the community and promoting well-being of individuals.

For guidance or more information please speak to your GP or a Health Professional.

See Northern Sydney Health & Wellbeing Services & Resources listed below.

Name:Active & Healthy

NSW government website where local exercise groups can be located through use of postcode. (Would allow GP a choice of program appropriate to the individual)

Referral Required:Yes

Name:Acute Bronchitis: Should I take Antibiotics? Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare

This decision aid can help you decide whether to use antibiotics when you or your child has
acute bronchitis (acute cough).

Referral Required:No

Name:Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
Phone:02 9126 3600

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights was developed with extensive and widespread consultation and specifies the key rights of patients and consumers when seeking or receiving healthcare services.

Referral Required:No

Name:Choosing Wisely Australia
Location:Level 7, 418A Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Phone:02 8217 8700

Choosing Wisely Australia is helping the healthcare community and consumers start an important conversation about eliminating the use of unnecessary and sometimes harmful tests, treatments, and procedures.

Referral Required:No

Name:Consumers Health Forum of Australia
Location:7B/17 Napier Close, Deakin ACT 2600
Phone:02 6273 5444

CHF is Australia’s leading advocate on consumer health care issues.
We work to achieve safe, good quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by the best health information and systems the country can afford.

Referral Required:No

Name:Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare

How decision aids can benefit you.

Referral Required:No

Name:Get Healthy Information & Coaching Service
Phone:1300 806 258

Free, confidential one-on-one phone coaching. This NSW Health service provides the expertise and motivation you need to help reach your goals.

Referral Required:No

Name:Health Consumers NSW
Location:Suite 3/Level 8, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone:(02) 9986 1082

As a membership-based, independent, not-for-profit organisation, we promote and practise consumer engagement in the NSW health sector. We create meaningful partnerships between consumers, the health sector and policy-makers. Our mission: Consumers shaping health in NSW.

Referral Required:No

Location:Sydney South, NSW 1235
Phone:1800 022 222

Healthdirect is a national, government-owned, not-for-profit organisation. We develop and deliver a range of digital health and telehealth services. 24 hour health advice and information you can count on.

Referral Required:No

Name:Middle Ear Infection: Should my Child take Antibiotics? - Australian Commission on Safety & Quality

This decision aid can help you decide whether to use antibiotics when your child has a middle ear infection. It is designed to be used with your doctor to help you make a shared decision about what is best for you or your child.

Referral Required:No

Name:MyMoves Program

myMoves is a free online self-management program designed to help people gain the knowledge and skills that they need to be more physically active in their life, and enjoy better health and wellbeing.

Referral Required:No

Name:Navigating the Healthcare Neighbourhood – Getting the Best from Your GP

Your general practitioner’s (GP’s) role is to help you look after your health needs, and those of families and others in the community. Your GP identifies the nature of your health problem from a broad range of possibilities, and then provides appropriate care.

Referral Required:No

Name:NPS MedicineWise
Location:Level 7, 418A Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Phone:02 8217 8700

Making Australia more medicinewise, through digital health and data insights, health professional education and reliable health information for consumers.

Referral Required:No

Name:Poisons Information Centre
Location:The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW 2145
Phone:13 11 26

The NSW Poisons Information Centre provides the latest poisons information to the public,
and toxicology advice to health professionals on the management of poisoned and envenomed patients.
Telephone advice is available 24/7 on 131126 from anywhere in Australia.

Referral Required:No

Name:Primary and Community Care Services Ltd – Plus Social for Injured Workers

“Plus Social” provides injured workers access to a range of activities and services to support their social connectedness and wellbeing. Operating in metropolitan centres of NSW.

Referral Required:Yes

Name:Q Life nation-wide counselling and referral service for LGBTI people
Phone:1800 184 527

QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). QLife provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to people of all ages across the full breadth of people’s bodies, genders, relationships, sexualities, and lived experiences.

Referral Required:No

Name:Reporting Medicine Side Effects

Adverse events are unintended and sometimes harmful occurrences associated with the use of a medicine, vaccine or medical device (collectively known as therapeutic goods).

Referral Required:No

Name:Sore Throat: Should I take Antibiotics? - Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare

This decision aid can help you decide whether to use antibiotics when you or your child has a sore throat. It is designed to be used with your doctor to help you make a shared decision about what is best for you or your child.

Referral Required:No