Domestic Violence Health Services

Domestic and family violence is violence, abusive or intimidating behaviour in a relationship. This relationship can be a partner, carer or family member.

Abusive behaviour isn’t just physical violence and can be any behaviour meant to control, dominate, humiliate or scare the other person.

Help is available. To find out more about services available see below or call the 24 hour Domestic violence line on 1800 65 64 63.

For guidance or more information please speak to your GP or a Health Professional.

See Northern Sydney Domestic Violence Services & Resources listed below.

Name:1800 RESPECT
Phone:1800 737 732

Are you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? Seeking to support someone who is? 1800Respect can help.
* Available any time.
* Provides a professional telephone and online crisis and trauma counselling service to assist people who have been or who are affected by sexual assault, domestic, or family violence.

Referral Required:No

Name:Domestic and Family Violence Resources List

Domestic and Family Violence Resources List. Compiled by the NSW Health Statewide Domestic Violence Network for use within health services.

Referral Required:No

Name:Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line
Phone:(02) 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784

Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence and Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders.

Referral Required:No

Name:Domestic Violence Liaison Officer (DVLO)

The DVLO is a specialist police officer, trained in the dynamics of domestic and family violence, child protection procedures, victim support and court AVO processes required for the protection of victims of family violence.

Referral Required:No

Name:Domestic Violence Line
Phone:1800 656 463

Provides telephone counselling, information and referrals for women and same-sex partners who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence.

Referral Required:No

Name:Hornsby Kuringai Women's Shelter – women only (no children)

The Shelter aims to provide temporary supported accommodation for women in times crisis such as homelessness and /or domestic violence. We provide a safe, non-threatening environment for women that will assist them through their emotional and physical crisis.

Professional case managers assist with:
* Temporary supported accommodation
* Resolution of the crisis
* Assisting, creating and exploring housing options
* Promotion of good health and well being
* Life skills to promote independence and self esteem
* Women only (no children)

Referral Required:No

Name:Manly Warringah Women's Resource Centre
Phone:(02) 9971 4499

Domestic violence service providing transitional housing, counselling, information, advice, advocacy and referral.
Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre is a not for profit community-based service for women and vulnerable families, including women and children escaping domestic and family violence. We operate Bringa Women and Children’s Refuge – Northern Beaches, Delvena Women and Children’s Refuge – Lower North Shore and the Northern Beaches Family Support Service.

Referral Required:No

Name:Manly Women's Shelter
Location:c/- 12 Wentworth Street, Manly
Phone:02 9977 1066

MWS will accept women from across the Northern Beaches (and further afield if necessary).
Women in custody of a child/children can get referrals to other shelters and refuges by contacting:
* Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre – (02) 9971 4499
* Domestic Violence 24-hour Crisis Line – 1800 65 64 63
* Homeless Line (8am-10pm, 7 days) – 1800 23 45 66

Referral Required:No

Name:Mary's House Refuge North Shore
Phone:(02) 8937 2094

A shelter in the Lower North Shore of Sydney supporting women and their children who need help because of domestic violence.

Referral Required:No

Name:Men's Referral Service
Phone:1300 766 491

The Men’s Referral Service is an anonymous and confidential telephone service for men.
It provides a central point of contact for men who are wanting to stop their violent or abusive behaviour towards their family members, but are not sure how or where to go for advice. Women, family and friends are also able to access telephone counselling.

Referral Required:No

Name:Northern Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
Phone:1800 938 227

Provides information, support, legal advocacy and assistance to women through the court process seeking information about gaining court protection.
Domestic violence court advocacy service for women.

Referral Required:No

Name:Safe Relationships Project for LGBTI
Location: Basement, Kings Cross Library/Neighbourhood Centre — 50-52 Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross NSW 2011
Phone:(02) 9332 1966 - Toll free: 1800 244 481

Provides specialist court support and legal advice service for LGBTI people affected by domestic and family violence.
Service Times:
* 9am – 5pm Monday, Thursday and Friday
* 9am – 8pm Tuesday and Wednesday
* Closed for Lunch each day: 1pm – 2pm

Referral Required:No

Name:South Eastern and Northern Sydney Family Referral Service
Phone:1800 066 757

Links families and young people to support services for domestic violence, housing, mental health, financial, cultural, and similar problems.

Referral Required:No

Name:The Gender Centre
Location:41-43 Parramatta Road Annandale, NSW 2038
Phone:Sydney (02) 9569 2366 - Elsewhere 1800-069-115


Referral Required:No

Name:The Line
Phone:1800 695 463 / (02) 8688 5511

Relationship information and counselling services for young people.
This website talks about relationships, gender, sex, bystander action, technology and communication ; how to keep it healthy and respectful, and avoid crossing the line into behaviour that makes someone feel frightened, intimidated or diminished.

Referral Required:No

Name:The Northern Centre
Location:West Ryde Community Building, 6/3 Anthony Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114
Phone:(02) 9334 0111

Domestic and family violence is a growing issue within our society and at The Northern Centre we aim to assist and help people experiencing any form of abuse.
The Northern Centre service covers Ryde, Hunters Hill, Hornsby (Epping) and Ku-ring-Gai areas, Lane Cove, Willoughby, North Sydney and Mosman.

Referral Required:No

Name:Victims Services
Phone:1800 633 063

Victims Services’ Victims Access Line (VAL) provides a single entry point for victims of crime in NSW to assist them in accessing services including counselling and financial assistance.

Referral Required:No

Name:Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre
Location:Addison Road Community Centre, Building 13, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville NSW 2204
Phone:1800 686 587 (NSW only)

Provides gender specific and culturally appropriate legal support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and youth. Provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are victims of violence access to appropriate legal representation, advice and referral.

Referral Required:No

Name:Women’s Legal Services NSW
Phone:(02) 8745 6988 or toll free 1800 801 501

A community legal centre providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services including specialist legal services relating to domestic and family violence, sexual assault, family law, discrimination, victims support, care and protection, human rights and access to justice.

Referral Required:No