

“Clinical Trials – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” Q&A style event


Provider: The Australian Society of Stem Cell Research (ASSCR)

Date: Thursday 17 August 2017

Time: 6pm – 8 pm


The evening is discussing controlled clinical trials compared to observational, evidence-based studies. The many important roles and responsibilities associated with human clinical trials. These range from the principle investigator, the role of ethics and law, funding and regulation, the role of the media, and the responsibilities to the patients, as well as the patient’s responsibility as a participant in a clinical trial.

Cost: Free for all

Enquiries: For any further information, please contact mschuller@perprotechasia.com or 0430353301.

RSVP: Please RSVP by Friday the 11th of August 2017

Registration: To register, please contact mschuller@perprotechasia.com or 0430353301.

Click here for event flyer.