MAY 2017
PROVIDER: Baptist Care
DATE: Thursday, 25 May 2017, 9am to 4pm
RSVP: Monday, 8 May 2017
VENUE: St Joseph’s Centre, 64 MacKillop Drive, Baulkham Hills
Various health professionals and individual speakers will present on numerous topics:
- End of Life Care in Renal Disease
- Affirm Balance Comfort
- Care Conferencing
- A Personal Perspective (interview),
- Why after death audits translate into quality outcomes
- Medications at The End of Life
- Your Wellbeing – a study into self-management
COST: $88 individual bookings, $70 individuals in group bookings of 5 or more people
ENQUIRIES: Carolyn Moir, 02 9346 1237, M – 0423 560 711