

Drug and Alcohol, Mental Health, and Primary Care: Working towards Integration

APRIL 2017

PROVIDER: NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation

DATE: 28 April 2017

VENUE: Northside Conference Centre – Crows Nest


  • General Practitioners
  • Mental Health Clinicians
  • Drug and Alcohol Clinicians
  • Health Managers
  • PHN Representatives
  • Practice Managers
  • Consumers
  • Carers


ACI are proud to host Drug and Alcohol, Mental Health, and Primary Care: Working Towards Integration, an event being held on 28th April 2017 at Northside Conference Centre, Crows Nest.

This one-day event will include local and international speakers presenting on innovative models for integrating mental health and drug and alcohol services into primary care facilities.

Kirsten Meisinger MD will be the key speaker for the event. Kirsten is the Medical Staff President and Primary Care Physician at Cambridge Health Alliance, Boston, USA. Her presentation will focus on the patient centred medical home model and how it has been used in the United States to integrate mental health and drug and alcohol services with general practice.

REGISTRATION: Registration is now open via https://www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/about-aci/calendar/working-towards-integration

ENQUIRIES: For further information please contact Rhiannon Beck Project Officer, Primary & Chronic Care Team, Agency for Clinical Innovation rhiannon.beck@health.nsw.gov.au, 02 9464 4681
Click here for event flyer.