

Mater Grand Rounds: “Robotics in orthopaedic surgery: what’s the state of play?”


PROVIDER: Mater Hospital, a faculty of St Vincents Health Australia
DATE: Saturday 17 September, 2016
VENUE: Conference Room, Poche Centre 40 Rocklands Road, North Sydney (Entry via front door on Sinclair Street)


Various forms of technology are entering the operating room with promise of improved outcomes for orthopaedic patients. In hip and knee replacement surgery in particular, we have seen computer navigation and patient matched instrument systems being used more widely. More recently, robotic technology has become available. These robotic technologies assist the surgeon with accurate planning and placement of the components to the bone. Early reports do show improvement in accuracy and patient outcomes when
the robot is used for unicompartmental knee replacements. The application to total knee replacement and hip replacement is a work in progress.

QI&CPD: Activity No. 60320 – 2 Cat 2 Points – RACGP 2014-2016 Triennium

ENQUIRIES AND REGISTRATION: Please contact rosemary.jandura@svha.org.au or phone 9900 7475.