

GP SYMPOSIUM – Update for GPs in Neurodegenerative disorders Psychiatry and Psychology


PROVIDER: The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

DATE: Sat, 16 Sept 2017

TIME: 8.00am – 4.30pm

VENUE: Lecture Theatre 1, Level 5, 431 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037


We will discuss the assessment, treatment and management of dementia, teenage psychiatry and internet addiction, sleep and neurodegeneration, sleep walking and RBD, adult ADHD and sleep, insomnia, depression and sleep stress and trauma. Come along to hear about the latest research, discuss relevant case studies and identify alternative assessments and treatments that may assist your practice.

WHO: General Practitioners, Healthcare Professionals

COST: $90

RSVP: 8 September 2017. Places are limited. Registration essential.

ENQUIRIES: For further information, please contact 02 9114 0457 or email info@woolcock.org.au.